3 keg box

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  • #18904

      I just signed up and recieved my plans for the kegger bar. I was planning on modifing the kegger box and moving it to create a 3 kegger box. One question I have should I use 2 2.7 refridgerators to cool the box? and where should i place the cooling fans?

      thanks pete


        I just finished building a modified l-shaped kegger with a triple keg box. I used just one 2.7 firdge with a boatload of fans insides and out. I have only put slim quarters in it and she holds at 38-40 degrees with no prob. Insulation and air movement are the key. I never thought of putting extra firdige but I can only assume that owuld help.

        B Est of luck.

          galls93 wrote:
          I just finished building a modified l-shaped kegger with a triple keg box. I used just one 2.7 firdge with a boatload of fans insides and out. ….

          How many fans did you use and where you placed them? Thanks for the info in advance.

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