45 Degree Corner – Section A delete

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  • #19436

    First, having just subscribed and downloaded these plans I am VERY impressed and glad I took the plunged despite being worried it would be a waste of money. The plans are great!

    So here is my dilemna/question:
    I can make the plans work using a 2 foot (minimum allowed) section A, but for my layout I’d be much happier with just going without section A. Not sure, maybe this would look dumb having such a short end on the 45 degree plan and would look better if I used a straight L bar? In any event, looking over the plans, I don’t see any reason I wouldn’t be able to do this. Can anyone see any gotchas that I should be aware of? It appears as simple as keeping the inner/back upright (one of the #11 parts) an extra 1.25″ longer like the commensurate #48 on section C and then finish it off as is done on the end of section C.

    Does this sound feasible?


    Nah, that’s perfectly fine. In fact, if you do some digging in the Builder’s Gallery, you may find a few example of exactly what you described.

    If you want just a short (maybe 1 to 2 feet) section to round out the corner, you can easily build a modified short section just by using the same framing techniques found in the discarded A section.
    Or, just omit it completely…


    Can you omit a section in the CHBD; ending with a consolidated materials list for the remaining sections or is this tool just intended to make adjustments to the original plan? I tried to find a place to omit section A of this plan with no luck. I can just reduce the materials but thought it would be nice to print off the consolidated list from the site.

    Thanks, Nic

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