45 degree plan

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  • #19153 Score: 0

    Need a plan for a layout like this (sketch attached)….anyone?

    #20761 Score: 0
    4 pts

    nice bar nook! – I’d suggest starting with a wall along the dotted line that would support the bar top, then a modular cabinet approach to the bartender side.
    Take a look at the EHBP-08 and it’s construction and you’ll get what I mean.

    I’m focusing on the EHBP-10 right now and that is exactly the approach you need here.

    Build the wall
    add the cabinets
    place the countertop

    If you can give me the length of those two lines and the correct angle (looks like 45 degrees to me), perhaps I can whip you up a basic drawing tomorrow.

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Easy Home Bar Plans