8′ Foot Rest Instruction (revisited)

Home Bar Forum Forums Home Bar Project Construction Questions EHBP-01 8 Foot Straight Bar 8′ Foot Rest Instruction (revisited)

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    I’ve searched and read all I can find on when/how to attach Item 11 foot rest. I have the 2x6x8, but I don’t find instructions mentioned ANYWHERE, and no photo identifying the installation of this part. I’m a novice builder so I need some clear instruction (like the rest of the instruction for the bar, which has been great btw) as to when, where & how this is installed.

    If this information already exists, I apologize and would appreciate a link to the detailed answer, but I was unable to locate it. Saw several questions about it, but nothing that (at least to me) constituted instructions on when it goes on, where it goes on (obviously down by the feet, but does it attach to the bead board after that goes on?) and how.

    Thank you.


    I think there’s a post on this already, but you are correct, there is no instruction for than part, but if you look at page 14, the color rendering, you can see the board in place as the foot rest…part 11.

    I’ll update the doc. Thanks!


    If you, or anyone else, could point me to the post that provides the instructions on installing the foot rest, it would be MUCH appreciated. I have seen a few posts ASKING about the issue, but have yet to find one that actually provides the instructions on how to install it.
    When does it go on?
    Before/after the OS board? After? Anything I need to watch out for? This is my first bar construction project, so I apologize for my lack in “innate” carpentry knowledge.

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