bar top

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  • #19379 Score: 0

    I made my bar top out of red oak, I am going to stain it, and I want to put something real glossy over it that will protect it. Kind of like the tables at a hooters . Can anyone tell me what I should use? thanks

    #19931 Score: 0

    Look up Envirotex as a keyword in this forum. You’ll need at least a gallon worth (2 part epoxy) which will run around $70 with shipping if you do a thorough price search online.

    I got mine from

    I was told by the local lumber supplier that this stuff can crack wood and also on this forum there’s plenty of info on the best way to install it.

    I haven’t had a chance to do mine yet because I wanted to get the bar done in time for New Years, but I am still planning too myself.

    I’ll let you know how it turns out.

    Good Luck

    Click the pic to see Cappy’s Kegger Bar Construction photos


    #19932 Score: 0

    Cool thanks

    #19933 Score: 0

    The also sell a similar product at Home Depot if you don’t want to order online. You’ll find it located by the stains and polyurethanes.

    It’s pretty easy to apply. Just follow the instructions. It self-levels once you spread it over the bar. I used a gallon of it on a 5′ x 7′ l shaped bar.

    #19934 Score: 0

    Thanks I think I will check it out at home depot.

    Do you have any pictures of your bar?[img]100_3041.jpg

    #19935 Score: 0

    cananyone show me apicture of there bar top U dont have trim on mine at the part closest to the beer gutter so I dont know How I would put down the envirotex without it running off may be if I see a picture of your trim I might just put some on mine Thanks bdog

    #19936 Score: 0

    I’ll get some pictures of my top up late this afternoon.

    One thing to watch with this stuff is that you need to make sure the entire top is completely sealed. Any type of pinhole will cause this stuff to leak.

    Regarding the beer gutter, I would put some kind of trim along the edge to keep the envirotex from leaking off. I went to the carpet/floor section of home depot, they have a thin oak trim, maybe 1/8-1/4″, and replaced the wood screws they supplied with some brass ones. It ended up looking pretty nice.

    #19937 Score: 0

    Good idea I will check it out I cant wait to see your pics thanks


    #19938 Score: 0

    Sorry bulldog, having computer problems at home.

    Will get pics up as soon as possible. Go to the gallery though, they have plenty of pics there to give you an idea.

    As long as you have the top sealed you shouldn’t have a problem with the envirotex. Put whatever trim suits you along the edge on the beer gutter side and you’ll be fine.

    Good luck.

    #19941 Score: 0
    1 pt


    I used 3/4″ red oak outside corner moulding. Worked perfect, I can’t upload pictures here because they are too large. Send me a private message with your personal e mail address. Then I will send you detailed pictures

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