BAR Top Base

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  • #19125 Score: 0

    I need to have a 12 inch overhang on my bar. The bar is anchor to the floor so tipping over will not be a problem. My concern is that doubling up with ¾ oak plywood as the base made not be strong enough to keep from sagging.
    I’d like to use a 2X10 or 2X12 as base but it difficult to find boards that don’t have major crowns/etc.
    In your opinion will two ¾ ply work as a base or should I find the best 2 x 10 / 2X12 I can and work with them the best I can?
    This would end up being three 3/4 plys the top would be a cherry ply-board.

    Thanks for any feedback
    Mark (Dungeon Bar)

    #20413 Score: 0

    I think 1- 1/2″ thick plywood bar top base is more than adequate. If it ends up sagging, which I’m sure it won’t, you can always add a 1 x 10 pine board under the lip & paint it black, you shouldn’t be able to see it, but the black helps hide it better.

    #20419 Score: 0

    Thanks for the feedback.

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