bar top thickness question

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  • #19345 Score: 0

      Right now I have a bar top that overhangs my bar by 5 or 6 inches on 3 sides.
      It’s just one peice of 3/4 inch Birch plywood.
      Does it need to be thicker so it won’t sag over time around the edges if people lean on it etc.?
      If I have to put another sheet of wood does it have to cover the overhang? Or can I just use it over the bar. I have some scrap wood that would fit over the rest of the bar but not overhang?
      What is the best way to attach bartop to framing?
      Part of me is thinking maybe to nails it in a few places on top of bar top, counter sink, and then put wood filler,etc.

      #20784 Score: 0
        4 pts

        Typically the bottom layer is rough plywood and the top layer is a nice finish grade.
        If you have concerns about the overhand sagging (it probably won’t) you can place a trimmed down 2 x 6 UNDER the birch layer under the overhang.
        Not sure what type of arm rail you are considering, but the standard 1×4 arm rest really added stability to the overhang.

        As far as attaching the bar top, I suggest PL-200 or similar construction glue and a few finish nails, counter sunk and wood puttied, just like you thought.
        The glue is very strong, just be sure you add some weights to the top while it sets up.

        I would personally screw down the rough base layer, then just glue the finish layer to the rough base layer…got that?
        Any way will work and it’s really your choice.



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