Bottled beer cooler


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  • #19152 Score: 0

    I’d like to see plans for a bottled beer cooler rather than a keg cooler. Something for those of us who prefer bottled beer rather than tap beer. Similar to the kegger design, but with doors either top load or front load. Thanks, and cheers!

    #20762 Score: 0
    4 pts

    Just add a center shelf and you can get a whole lot of bottled beer in the keg box. The caveat is that you’d be opening it way too much, and that’s not recommended.
    When is comes to bottled beer coolers, save your clams for something like these:

    The glass front units are very cool, but quite expensive. I’m saving up for one myself.
    Gotta remember with these units, freight is included in the price and they are heavy!

    #33780 Score: 0

    I know it’s a late response, but the pub at the minesite I used to work at had bar fridges for items that were not as commonly requested (premixed spirits, wine etc.) and simply used a number of sinks filled with ice cubes for the more commonly requested cans and bottles of beer.
    End of trading cleanup was easy, pull the sink plug – that’s if they even used one in the first place!

    #37101 Score: 0
    4 pts

    open bins are definitely the way to go for speed bar tending, but for home use I just use a cheap midium size fridge behind the bar. In the back kitchen area, I have a full sized fridge with an ice maker. If you upgrade your kitchen fridge and it still works, move it to your bar location rather than to the curb.

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