I’ve altered the dimensions to be as follows:
Leg side 71.625 L x 20 W x 44 H
Main side 82.75 L x 20 W x 44 H
So my question is this: does the CHBD update the size of the Leg component’s Length to fit as the Width of the Main component changes? I’ve attached a picture of what the outputted dimensions give me as a base, and it looks like it did not account for the drop in M’s width from 30″ to 20″.
Yeah, that looks like a problem. I don’t think that was really a situation that was fully supported. People very rarely change the width.
Seems simple enough to work around though…luckily 2×4’s aren’t too expensive. Good to know about this issue. I will write up something for the developer although I think the CHBD will be phased out eventually.
The CHBD was originally intended for small changes in length only.