cheeseball question on what to buy…

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  • #18818 Score: 0

      Greets All, I’ve beenk kicking around the idea of building a basement bar, and was recently given the green light by the chief financial officer. Anyways I’m gonna base my plans on the 8 foot kegger bar, I’m looking at using this kit from kegworks

      Single Tap Tower Refrigerator Conversion Kit (US Sankey Coupler, Brass Tower) part # C240-TOW-B. They also list a two tap tower system. Would this be appropriate?

      Also one last question, has anyone installed a 2nd tap for say rootbeer or other similar non-alcoholic beverages into their homebar setups?…you know for the little ones.

      thanks for the space,


      #20022 Score: 0

        CFO, aka WIFE



        I’ve not seen a tap tower used for soda.
        There is probably some mixing that must take place with soda water an syrup which requires more pricey equipment.
        There is also the issue of sticky residue to clean up.
        Personally, I’d stick (no pun intended) with cans and liter bottles of soda.
        A tapper of soda might produce some very hyper kids too!

        Unless you’re a huge beer drinker, one tap should suffice.
        It takes a while to down a 1/4 barrel. I prefer 1/4 barrels since they are easier to lug into the basement.

        If you can justify two flavors of beer, and the CFO has cleared funds, you can always buy a double tower, do the adjustment to the plans to allow for two kegs, so you’re prepared for the really big parties.

        I think you’ll be happy with a single tapper too. But it’s up to you!

        One last consideration, two kegs will load down the fridge more than just one keg. If would also require more circulation fans.


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