Digital Plans?

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  • #18805 Score: 0

    Hey There. I have one question about the plans, but first I wanted commend you guys on the new site. I signed on about 2 months ago, and thought it was an ok site. Good enough for my needs. I figured it was still cheaper than a book or actual blue prints. Plus all the great photos in the gallery. But I must say I am really impressed with the new site for 2005. Kudos to you. I see it being well worth it and am looking forward to all the new plans and ideas you have in store for us.

    Now for my question. I assume your new 3D plans are created in CAD. Since they are to scale, I was wondering if you would ever offer the CAD file itself, so that I can get really hands on? With the actual CAD file I can pan and zoom all I want and get a much better idea of what I’m building. Plus I can turn off layers so I can see just the component I want.

    Can’t wait for the back bar plans.


    #19581 Score: 0


    First off, thanks for the kudos!

    I would love to distrubute the CAD files, but I’m afraid that might work against me. I have already had about 3 “pioneering” individuals take information directly from the site and attempt to resell on eBay…one guy is still on there, and he was / is a member, but I can’t nail him down. The two others were kicked off eBay for their attempt to re-sell the info as their own. I’m not saying anyone here would try to do that, but you know what they say about those few bad apples.

    Even stole my easy concept and “his” design is definitely a knock off of mine. Even though I have the Easy Home Bar Plan name trademarked, they keep trying to suck my wake…using the Easy to Build, Easy to Use tag lines.

    Vince Mash ( and myself started at about the same time and I’ve got a lot of respect for him. He never copies anything from my site anf I do the same.

    However I digress…

    The original idea is to export the CAD files into Solidworks
    eDrawings which creates ultra compact files for web distribution. That’s the next step for the site.
    With eDrawings, you can freely rotate and select / deselect layers. It’s pretty cool.

    I the mean time, the Flash movies are the least expensive solution.

    There’s a lot in store for the site!

    If I distributed the raw CAD files, I’d probably have to charge my per hour rate times the hours to create the drawings.



    #19582 Score: 0

    I figured that would be the answer, but I do completely understand why. But no harm in asking. I do like the Solidworks idea. I would love to be able to to free rotate and manipulate the view.

    Keep up the good work.


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Easy Home Bar Plans