eliminate side step

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  • #19392 Score: 0

    I’m ready to start building the 8′ kegger bar. I plan on butting one side against the wall. I realize I need to eliminate the side step and cut the front step to 91″. By the looks of the plan’s it doesn’t look like I need to make any modifications to the base. Am I looking at this right? Any advise will be appreciated as I don’t want to get off to a bad start.

    #20935 Score: 0

    I am also looking to attach my bar to the wall. I need to adjust the base and top dimensions, but this plan does not give these numbers. Whaat is the overhang for the top and the extension on the footer?

    #20938 Score: 0
      4 pts

      They’re all a little different…just study the plans and you should be able to determine the gap. In fact, I wouldn’t worry much about that gap. Just board it over and apply a matching exterior finish panel once the bar is secured in place.

      #20939 Score: 0

      That really didn’t answer my question, but that is alright. I figured I would have to measure and cut to size. I will post my measurements when I am finished.

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