Envirotex Best Practices?

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  • #19205

      I’m to the point where I’m about ready to put on the bar top and coat with Envirotex and although the Forum has been generally helpful on this topic, I must be honest, this stuff worries me. I’m looking for some advice. Here, in no special order, are my questions:
      1. I’m sealing in a selection of coasters from my collection. Should they be stuck on top of the seal coat, or glued down with white glue before the seal coat (or after)?
      2. Should the bar top be in place or separate? I can see advantages to both situations. (Comments about E dripping out through cracks has me concerned, but I don’t want to sand off the edges all around for the arm rail.)
      3. Is there some ratio for seal coating to flood coating like 3:1 or 4:1?
      4. Any other words of wisdom/warning?

      I’ve bought a small amount to try on a smaller scale, so I will have a little practice before the big top.


      1/ I think you should glue them down with wood glue directly to the bar top. Why take a chance of them floating within the E while it sets. But, thinking of it it now that might look cool coasters at slightly different levels ?

      2/ Just be sure to seal the cracks or seems on the underside with tape etc… to stop possible drips from coming thru. If you choose to take top off and seal. Be sure to keep the top ferfectly level so the finish is also level when placed back on the bar.

      3/ I split the pours in two. I think it said that you were only limited to how thick each coat can be ?

      4/ Use a propane torch to remove air bubbles before the coat cures. The hair dryer method did not work as well for me. As the instructions say ventilate the area. The more I think of it maybe placing some coasters under the sealer coat and some above it may really look cool ? Might give the top a feeling of depth when looking at it ?

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