Envirotex Over Tile?

  • This topic has 14 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #19197 Score: 0

    I’m in the process of making my bar. I want to tile the top of my bar with 6×6 tiles. I want the look of the tile, but also want the top perfectly smooth. I was thinking about putting a layer of Envirotex over the tile. Has anyone done this? If so, how did it come out? It seems to me it would look great. Just curious of any suggestions.
    Thanks guys!

    #20116 Score: 0

    Yeah, I put Superglaze over tiles and it turned out awesome. I actually had to do 4 pours to get all tiles covered because the ones i chose were rough and uneven. Here’s a pic of the final product! These are 3 by 3 slate and copper tiles.


    #20117 Score: 0

    Looks great! I thought it was possible. The tile I want to use is rough and uneven as well, I figured I would take a few pours. Thanks for responding.

    #20127 Score: 0

    Bar top looks really nice. Am thinking about tiling mine also. really like those tiles you have. if you dont mind, where’d you get them. Thanks.


    #20128 Score: 0

    I don’t mind at all, I got those tiles at home depot. My only suggestion would be to buy a decent number of extra boxes because of the varying thicknesses. Some tiles you just can’t use because you would have to pour the envirotex a mile thick!

    #20129 Score: 0

    Thanks for the info. I didnt see those at home depot. How long ago did you tile your bar? Were they special order. Thanks for any response!


    #20130 Score: 0

    I actually just did the tile in December, and they weren’t special order. There are two different types………..the golden ones are called copper slate tiles and the others are just regular slate tiles. Assuming all Home Depots are the same, they were on the ground in the tile aisle on pallets, and come in small white boxes.

    Copper slate item # 10805
    Multi color slate item # 10811

    #20132 Score: 0
    1 pt

    I have several pictures posted in the gallery. put the check box on in the owners name and search the word probak118.
    i actually used different size tiles and different thicknesses. it took 3 pours but turned out great. People think i have a glass top over the tiles.

    #20134 Score: 0

    I found Envirotex at menards. About 56.00. How far will it actually go? Also, how thick can you get away with one pour? I think I’m going with tile on my bar so I just want to make sure I have some answers before I start. Any response would be appreciated.

    #20136 Score: 0
    1 pt

    I bought the kit that totalled 1 gal if all was mixed. I poured 50% of each for the first pour. After that you can judge how much more is needed for the second pour. like I said, I used tiles that were two different thicknes so the first pour only covered the thin tiles and part of the others. Mix only half and you should be able to judge from there.

    #20143 Score: 0

    Thanks for the reply. I looked at your pics and that is EXACTLY what I was planning on doing with the top. It looks great!!! Thanks for the info!!

    #20144 Score: 0

    Thanks for the reply. I looked at your pics and that is EXACTLY what I was planning on doing with the top. It looks great!!! Thanks for the info!!

    #20165 Score: 0

    When you set your tiles, did you dry set them or use a thinset compound? Also, what did you grout them with (i.e. epoxy grout or sanded latex grout.)

    I think with some proper preparation, the tile tops could be set fairly level with each other, making it a bit easier to poly coat them.

    Great looking bar!

    #20167 Score: 0
    1 pt

    I used sanded latex grout and thinset not dry fit. Because the accent (larger) tiles were thicker I used less under them and more under the smaller tiles. But still the tiles were not quite even. My first pour did not cover the larger tiles but, the second did.
    Again, thanks I enjoyed building the bar but also like helping others in getting good results.

    #20168 Score: 0

    Thanks for the quick reply. Your technique did very well in creating a great looking bar top.

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