Framing plans for 8' x 6' L Shaped Kegger Bar.

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  • #19165 Score: 0

    Hi Guys,
    Maybe someone can help me out. I’m trying to create plans for a 8′ x 6′ L Kegger bar. I know the resize tool won’t work for that design. Maybe some one who is more architecturally inclined can give me a hand. Anything would be really appreciated.


    #20964 Score: 0
    2 pts

    Once you study the plan, it is very easy to modify it’s size. Just add or subtract equal measure from each of the horizontal base studs that are length related. Once you add the uprights, all the rest of the dimensions just fall into place.

    You’ll need to follow the framing shown in the plans, but you will need to verify measurements as you go. It’s been done like this for years with no issue.

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