I am building the 45 L shaped, the size i need is the B (fixed section) and section A. I see that the plans call for section C to be a minimum of 24in in length. Can I completely cut out C and still have the plans lead me to a nicely finished product? I am handy but not an accomplished builder…thanks
You should be alright to remove the C section. Are you placing that side against a wall? I am also in the process of building the 45 degree bar. I have the base framed for now.
There is no option to remove a section completely other than to mentally remove the parts related to that section. If the are any common parts, you would have to make adjustments as needed to make it work.
Make a list of all section C parts (easy using the print manager) then just omit those parts.
Removing sections is not currently a function of the CHBD.
It is intended for nominal size adjustments only, not complete redesign or modification.
Just and FYI for those that are attempting this approach. I am doing this right now, by omitting section C AND shortening Secint B on the C side to only 2 feet in order to fit my basement. Make sure you change the end part of section B to match the end part of section C so you can finish the end of section B properly. Otherwise you will end up with a missing support for the end of the bar top.