How can i make the 8ft straight bar into a 12ft.

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  • #18971 Score: 0

    Is there any plans that i can get for a 12ft bar or how can i extend the 8ft bar into a 12ft bar with just cabinets underneath.

    #20398 Score: 0

    Don’t hold your breath until you get any help from this forum. I think the forum is in it’s death throes. I placed a request for help on how to install a kegerator in a 12 foot version of the 8 foot bar. No responses.
    I am building a 12 foot straight bar. I have it framed and have the electrical installed. I have the work surface in place, but I am trying to decide whether I want to use a slice of a large tree trunk for the bar top or use hardwood flooring for the bar top. I don’t know how to post photos here, but if you send me your email address, I’ll send you some photos of my 12 footer.

    #20400 Score: 0

    Sorry, I forgot to give you my email address.

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