Juke Box Project

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  • #19047 Score: 0

    The juke box project is under way.

    Just another update on the Juke Box Project:

    I am just about finsished with the actual prototype version, meaning the “real” wood model I will be using in my bar.

    The only thing slowing me down is the 90+ heat and high humidity. Keep in mind, being from Wisconsin, I’m more used to -90 and no humidity.

    The project HAS to be done by this weekend (8/13/05) for a party.

    Stay tuned for photos and the new project download.

    Edited By admin on 1123686645

    #19686 Score: 0

    I just finished building your 8 foot bar out of oak. I built it on a Sunday Afternoon and it turned out great. It only took me about 6 hours to build it. I am probably going to build the L shaped design as well to go in my sunroom. I am looking forward to the Juke Box plans. Keep up the good work.

    Sean Gambrell
    Charleston, SC

    #19725 Score: 0

    How are the plans going, I’m itching to get started on my first project, do you have any update



    #19734 Score: 0


    With summer winding down and the weather cooling off, I’m back in the office & shop working on the update.
    The pdf update should be done within the week.

    The day job is really taking up too much of my time!


    Edited By admin on 1128651941

    #19735 Score: 0


    Here is a pic of my 1954 Seeburg G that I converted to play MP3 similar to your project. It has a computer installed inside and it uses the original keyboard to control iTunes (quite a bit of work involved here). I took out the original amp and the computer outputs 5.1 digital sound to a 200 watt analog amp which drives the original speakers plus two JBL’s on the side. I did have the record mech working when a selection was made but the motor burned out. That was a real pain to figure out.

    The juke was in really bad shape when I got it but it turned out better then I expected. The juke “purists” where very upset about this conversion. Right now it holds around 3000 songs…too bad the purists can only hear 100…

    A fun project..next is the Bar..

    #19739 Score: 0

    That is really cool!

    Most of those old units have parts that just can’t be found anymore, so your PC mod is great!

    Anyone know of a source for old juke boxes?

    #19743 Score: 0

    I couldn’t wait for the final plans for the jukebox, so we went ahead and got started using the Quick Start Framing diagram.

    Great starter project for my two oldest kids (11 & 12 yrs old) and my 7 year old got involved as well with some drilling and screwing! It was a really good time and a chance for them to learn some basic construction principles and tool usage.

    The jukebox cabinet is bigger than we expected it to be but it turned out great! We’ll be staining and sealing next week to finish it out.

    One comment: after finishing construction, we measured the height from the “desktop” to the back, upper member. It measured out at 14.25″ which provides limited headroom for the LCD monitor. If you like to have your monitor back as far as possible (like me), then consider modifying the plans to accomodate this. I haven’t seen any monitors that are low enough to fit under the back board.

    Have fun building.

    #19745 Score: 0

    The jukebox plans document is now available for download.
    It still needs some double checking but should be ok.
    The shopping list is being refined.

    #19746 Score: 0

    Nice one, what are you thinking of using for the software?


    #19747 Score: 0

    glad to see the plans posted, they are one of the reasons I joined the site, was to access those!
    Now, who has any thoughts on what software to use?? I’ve looked at the links and found some that look good and some I dont like.
    What are you guys using and what opinions can you share?? thanks-

    #19749 Score: 0

    I was going to give this a tryLINK

    #19750 Score: 0


    That package is pretty complicated. However if you are an IT professional, it would be no problem.

    I started off with the intention to use Globe Comm’s jukebox which runs only on the Linux Operating System. Being a former UNIX Systems Engineer, I found it would be way too much hassle for most folks. There are a ton of packages, settings and dependencies that must be properly configured.

    My recommendations can be found at:

    #19758 Score: 0

    In your opinion do you think that Globe is better than the others you have listed, if so I do not mind doing a step-by-step guide using Fedora 4 maybe


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Easy Home Bar Plans