Hey everyone,
I’ve been stalking the forums here for a while now lol and finally the time is right to start building pretty soon. I have a full size kegerator that I want to incorporate into the bar (L Kegger) and I was wondering if anyone has modified a kegerator by cutting the side off to extend the kegerator into a keg box to hold a total of 3 kegs, and still using the attached kegerator door along with another door in the keg box for easier access. Still with me? I’m just looking for some advice before I go and potentially ruin a perfectly good kegerator. So, has anyone taken a fridge apart? Is there just a hollow gap between the plastic shell inside and the metal outside that when cut can just be filled with foaming insulation? Or would I be better off using the kegerator as is and building a seperate keg box? I would rather use what I already have instead of spending more but anything worth doing is worth doing right, right? I look forward to any advice and thank you in advance.