Pros/Cons Envirotex vs Poly

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  • #19453

      I’m at the point of finishing the bar top and debating if I should use Envirotex or Poly. From what I’ve gathered, and can clearly understand, if I have objects to seal in or an otherwise unlevel top, Envirotex is the ideal solution as it will cover and self-level thus creating a perfectly level bar top.

      In my case, I have a flat surface of rough-cut lumber. So I’m having trouble deciding what the best finish coat is to use. Other than the obvious benefits for self-leveling Envirotex, what are the advantages/disadvanages of one over the other?

      Ease of use?
      Look? Sheen?
      Long-term durability?
      Heat/Scratch resistance?

      I’m debating if I want the rough surface to remain or be entirely coated with the top coat. I’m leaning towards the latter, but even then it won’t take too many coats of Poly to accomplish that so I think Poly might still be a good solution in my case where I’m not trying to immerse objects into the top? If Poly ends up the solution, is there any advice regarding the type or brand?

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