Side Plywood

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  • #19030 Score: 0

    The plans call for two layers of plywood for support. There is not a problem though if I were to go with a 3/4 inch oak plywood instead of the 1/2 inch plus the veneer? I was thinking the thickness would be just as good, just price might be higher. I was not going to put anything else on top of it, just finish it. Thanks.

    #19919 Score: 0

    Perfectly acceptable.
    It really does not matter what you cover the bar with, as long as the front it is structurally tough enough to take the abuse of kicking feet.

    The two layer approach is mostly for cost effectiveness.

    #19942 Score: 0
    1 pt

    I think I only used one layer of plywood on the top. But, I added three extra 2 x 4 on edge under the top a top the framwork. Have not noticed any any cracks in the grout or envirotex top yet.

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