Using a bigger Refrigerator…(Kegerator)

Home Bar Forum Forums Home Bar Project Construction Questions EHBP-03 Straight Kegger Bar Using a bigger Refrigerator…(Kegerator)

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  • #18946 Score: 0

    I already own a keggerator and would rather just use that into the kegger bar rather than insulating and building my own refridgerator. The problem is that the keggerator is about 8 inches taller than the hayer fridge as well as wider. It does have back coils so I think I can still use it, but how would I make the modifications to the keg box? Do I make the whole bar taller and deeper? Sorry I’m just starting and i am kinda a rookie…thanks for the help…

    T. R.

    #19975 Score: 0

      i am also a rookie at this i was looking to buy a danby kegerator. first of all is possible to take the tap tower off the kegerator without cutting it off and putting it onto the bar counter. also i was wondering about the modifications as you were,i do not think you have to build the section for a keg box if you plan on using a kegerator,but what do i know,i need help also.

      #19986 Score: 0

      I am in the process of doing it now… I ended up having the keggerator just directly on the floor and framing around it… I’m not done yet…but i think it will turn out ok…

      #19988 Score: 0

        Hi guys!

        I’m getting VERY close to releasing a new ONLINE tool that will allow you to modify the height, width and length of any of the plans.

        It is in the final stages of development and will be released as a Beta version for testing. I am opening a new topic area for support of this new design tool. See the Bar Designer Tool Section.

        It will help you make minor changes to the design and cut list in order to make odd shaped fridges and kegerators fit perfectly.

        #20016 Score: 0

          I used a Danbury Kegorator as the bases of my new bar…just change the opening for the keg box!

          You can see pictures of the bar at

          BTW…I did change a lot of other things for the bar…just use the original plans as a guide and go from there.

          #20078 Score: 0

            Has anyone made any progress on building a kegerator into the design? I read that someone placed the kegerator on the basement floor but I’m still not clear on how they built around it? Was it completely framed out by adding additional frames?



            #20079 Score: 0

              Hey Guys , I just Got done building my Keggerator and I did not use a fridge I used a small window air from sears 5000 btu’s.. and it works great . you got a fan to move the air around and its a compact unit…

              You have to modify the compresser control, some minor rewiring to a refrideration stat and it works perfect.. The coils have not ice up at all
              if you set it above 32 degrees… Just to let you know, i did get my box or cooler down to 6 above zero .brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr So I think this works alot better than any dorm room size fridge.. any questions you can email me
              i will put pictures up on the membership site shortly..

              thank you brad :D


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