I built the L shaped kegger bar and used the stock plans for the arm rest and sides. They are 1×4 oak lumber.
Do you put envirotex on the armrests and side returns. I dont know if you just poor it on and have it run over the sides to cover the sides. Or do you just brush the side returns and arm rests. What works best?
Brush on in layers. If you pour it on, it will just run off.
I’d actually recommend several coats of poly rather than the envirotex.
You would do the arm rests first, then apply the pour-on product.
I would also use several coats of poly. The key to making poly nice and smooth is to take a high grit sand paper and lightly sand after the coat is completely dry. It smooths it nicely and will leave the arm rest silky smooth. Don’t go heavy on the sanding, just a nice light sanding between coats.