What is the standard hight for the bar?

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  • #19479 Score: 0

    What is the standard hight for the bar?

    #20215 Score: 0

    42″…although I think Im gonna make mine 44″. Easier to lean on if not using stools.

    http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_s … _a_bar_top

    #20692 Score: 0

    I got a super deal on a wine cooler and small fridgerator during construction of the keg plan. So I modified the plan so I could stack the 2 units next to each other. While I had to make so changes I also realized the the left and right side of the coolers requires 4″ trip taking away so of my increase of space from side to side. I had to widen the space again and then realize the height was short by an 1 1/2″. So my bar ended up being 44″ high. My wife said great, its just at the right height to rest her you know what on : )

    #20729 Score: 0
    4 pts

    Al’s right – 42″ is typical bar height.

    Earl – can we get a photo of that? LOL!

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