No Kidding…
Third-Party Review of the Ted’s Woodworking Scam:
For anyone who has run across the notorious “Ted’s Woodworking – 16,000 Woodworking Plans” offer for $67, a word of advice: don’t fall for it. I purchased it a few years ago for the same reason one of my favorite wood butchers (Steve Ramsey who runs the Wood Working for Mere Mortals website) did, simple curiosity. Steve is a great guy, honest, and quite entertaining to watch. Steve is usually wacky and hilarious, so I was surprised to see him get serious and explain his own investigation of this long-running and tiresome internet scam. Before you watch, let me just throw my own two cents in… The Ted’s Woodworking (also associated with the name Woody Hyezmar, Mikes Woodworking, and more evolving daily) offer has been around for well over 5 years and is offered as a Click Bank product. Anyone can resell it using some smarmy affiliate methods that “Ted” himself will teach you. To make a long story short, I bought it myself out of sheer curiosity and I found exactly what Steve will explain, but he does it so much better than I could hope to do. Enough already, watch both parts below, and please try to avoid this overhyped woodworking plans scam:
Steve Ramsey on Ted’s Woodworking Scam Part I
Steve Ramsey on Ted’s Woodworking Scam Part II
There is no “Ted”…video – I trusted “Ted” posts a fake address.
Plans Piracy:
So there you have it. After a full review, I have to say hands down that Ted’s Woodworking Plans is a scam of the worst order and it is highly advised that you steer clear. 90% of what “Ted” claims about “his” product is untrue. It’s as Steve explained, it’s a real “mess” and just basically poor reprints from old Popular Science magazines or some other now-defunct woodworking periodicals. Many of the projects I looked at were virtually unreadable. The PDFs they provide clump thousands of pages into one huge file.
He’s just copying old stuff out of old publications and calling it his own. This is misleading to be sure, highly unethical, and likely illegal.
What I find impossible to believe is that “Ted” claims he produced these 16,000 projects within a 36-year period. That would mean he cranks out 444 plans per year or 1.22 projects per day…EVERY day, 7 days a week. He’s a machine if he can do that!
He also claims to have put out books, one titled “The Art of Woodworking” which I can’t find anywhere, even on Amazon.
The Testimonial Videos are part of the scam:
If you go to YouTube and type “Ted Woodworking” into the search bar, you’ll find dozens of reviews that glorify the product…so they can sell you a copy of the product, so they can make their commission…Oh, wait Steve Ramsey is talking about it again:
This is the most complete video and the must-watch of the group…
If You Insist on Throwing Money Away:
Ok, you’ve been warned, but Click Here if you have to see it for yourself. I’m not advocating that anyone buy it, but if it’s so enticing to you and you’ll believe anything that this mysterious “Ted” guy tells you and you have $67 to throw away out of morbid curiosity, then go ahead and buy it…I’ll make the commission and buy beer with it.
Quiet informative
I bought into this scam, I couldn’t access my account or watch any videos. I ran into this page and found out about teds. I immediately asked for a refund, I had to go through the payback and they finally refunded me.
Thanks for posting your video and all the work that went with it. Many people look for and benefit from folks like you that provide priceless information. Bless you . Carlos
Thanks a ton for all this information. I was just minutes away from buying it. I just wanted some books and plans for ideas to keep me busy. I guess I’ll just stick to YouTube for my projects.
Thanks for the alert. I’ve been considering it and that’s why I googled and saw this!
Well I did buy the Ted’s woodworking Plans years ago, 10 to be exact but the link disappeared from my PC. I believe it is coded with a command to just delete itself over a period of time. I am a CAD Tech and though some of what I saw were usable, I find much more information on Youtube that you don’t pay a dime for. Don’t fall for the Ted Scam.
Just saw a Ted’s woodworking scam post today on FB. Can’t believe this one is still hanging around.
Thank you soooo much!
Hi Darcy: You can file a refund request to ClickBank using instruction in the following link: https://support.clickbank.com/hc/en-us/articles/220381867-How-do-I-get-a-refund-
If that fails, just dispute the transaction to your credit card company. Good Luck!
How does a person go about getting a refund from this jackass?
THANK YOU for sharing this!!! Was just about to make my purchase !!!
Really Randy? That is just the same old woodworking shit repackaged as another ClickBank scam. Aptly named though. Nice Try.
If you want to make your own woodworking yourself just look for woodprix website. There is all you need to make it 🙂
Ted McGrath is a fictitious character and the plans you get are barely legible re-prints from old magazines.