The Drunken Skunk
April 2020 Bar of the Month
Here’s an incredible bar that’s way overdue for being featured as our bar of the month!
Paul K. put together this awesome bar and bar room for parties and LIVE music.
Paul says “Always wanted a “Pub” in my home to use personally for family as well as to bring family, friends and music lovers together. This was a long and arduous task but in reality was a labor of love. The area was originally 2 bedrooms and a corridor / storage area. Did a little or a lot every day after work and at weekends. Funniest moment was when my wife Cathy came home from work and my son Graham (The Fisher Kings lead singer and drummer) had moved a none supporting wall out around 7 feet to make room for a decent sized stage Huge Thank You to my family friends and neighbors who contributed various items of decor along the way. You will see at least most of them in the photographs. Huge thank you goes out to “Easy Home Bar Plans” who made me feel like family and all the members who posted and gave me several ideas and thoughts with their words and photographs. Hope you enjoy the journey through from zero to completion, however as anyone who has built one of these it is never in reality completely finished
always something else you want to add or do !!!” – Thanks Paul – great job!
So without further adieu, here is birth of the The Drunken Sunk video!
Music by – The Fisher Kings
Awesome bar and party area Paul!
You can find more about this project over at the HomeBrewTalk website, and Paul’s detailed post which you can find here>