Get over 300 pages of printable home bar plans and more…
A one-time site access payment allows you to download ALL our home bar designs and over a dozen unique, time-tested plans.
Priced individually, this collection was originally valued at over $200. We deep discounted the bundle to a regular price of $99.95, but for a limited time, you can save 70% for full download access to ALL plans for only $29.95.
The money you’ll save entertaining at home is well worth the small investment. The results from existing members are amazing.
Personal Members Area to Access All Plans :
Once you register with the site, you will be assigned your download dashboard area where you can access all of our complete, printable home bar plan sets in globally accepted Adobe PDF format.
Instructions and access info are sent instantly by email.
From within your personal Download Dashboard, the Plans Download link is used to download individual plan sets. The plans can be accessed from any desktop or laptop PC, tablet, or even a mobile phone.
For obvious screen size reasons and the best user experience, we recommend desktop, laptop, or tablet access…but mobile will also work to download the plan sets.
Full site support is provided for any site or project-related assistance.
Fully Illustrated home bar construction plans:

sample pdf plan set
Our easy step-by-step assembly process makes building these projects a snap.
Most projects can be roughed out in a day. Take your time or bust it out in a weekend with friends for an upcoming holiday, party, or event. You get a dozen awesome plans and two fulls years of plan site access for only $29.95! Limited time offer.
Plans include easy-to-understand 3D drawings and simple step-by-step instructions, full material shopping list with sources, and parts cut lists.
See Screen Shots of individual PDF plan sets.
Download & Print Instantly:
The plans are in Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader format and fit standard 8.5″ x 11″ copy paper. Sorted by the specific project so you can print off only what you need.
Plans are located in your personal download dashboard area of the member website. You can even print from your mobile device using the Google Cloud Print App.
Simply join the site, then log in and download the desired plan set to your local PC or Tablet. Review it on the screen or print the plans you want to build on your printer.
Custom Bar Resizing:
Our FREE Custom Home Bar Design Tool (CHBD 4.0) can help you resize select plans for your exact space with just a few mouse clicks.
The CHBD works entirely in your browser.
You can optionally size the bar to match your room space.
Just load one of the select re-sizable projects, and with a few mouse clicks, you can generate a new parts list for the new size.
It’s not required to build your project, but helpful if needed. Read more…
Our plans eliminate the need for a contractor and the designs use inexpensive, commonly available building materials. Base projects can be built for under two or three hundred dollars. If you decide to use exotic materials, of course, your cost would increase. Plenty of space for optional lockable liquor cabinets and drawers. Learn how a home bar can save you thousands of dollars per year.
No Fancy Tools:
Projects are designed using our easy-to-build framing style. Requires no fancy tools or joinery techniques. No rabbet, dado, or dovetail joints. Check out the Recommended Tools page.
Save Time:
By purchasing plans, you significantly shorten your design time and avoid many costly mistakes. Our core designs make a great foundation for any modifications.

Charlie Weaver Approved
Save Money:
See our Beer Facts page to learn more about beer consumption rates and money savings.
Woodworking is a great way to connect with your spirituality. Carpentry teaches you patience and skill. Your friends and family will be impressed with the new bar you build. A rewarding project because you’ll be able to have all the fun you like at home without the possible $10k to $20k DUI consequences.
Listen to Charlie over there, he knows. Drinking at home is smart.
Membership and Project Support:
Membership includes two full years of download access and site support. Send us your completed home bar project photos or video and get a complimentary upgrade for an additional two years of site access. Send more photos after that year and get another year…and so on…no pictures? just renew manually at any time thereafter for only $9.95 for two more years of full site access.